Wednesday, March 10, 2010

where to start

I've been offline for almost a week.. crazy times actually. But so rich and full that I'm not sure where to start. I've been trying to process a lot of information and thanking God for new and renewed relationships and rejoicing in a lot of truth that was declared over the Surrender weekend. Even the post-weekend events (we hosted a song writers symposium with David Ruis - where I took at least 6 pages of notes as he talked about the biblical models for justice and worship - GOLD) were amazing. Over and over again I am amazed at the witness of the lives of christians who are living radically different lives than the world. Some of them are famous but many of them aren't (at least on earth)... but they are challenging evil and re-shaping the world the way God dreamed it to be - it really is miraculous and encouraging. Anyway, I'll be back with a whole lot of info and feedback - you can catch some of it online at isalvos on the justsalvos LIVE show!

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